I am “lucky” enough to have a family member who is a psychopath and a family member who is a sociopath. And on a daily basis, I prefer to deal with the psychopath. The psychopaths are no less dangerous, in some aspects they are more, as their cleverness enables them to hide better, sometimes behind
jungle or civilization
The manipulators who see themselves as predators don’t have the values necessary for a civilization: empathy, sense of justice or responsibilities… They are dragging us backward, in the jungle, the chaos or the barbarism. If we want the progress of civilization, we have to prevent them from reaching leadership positions.
the political vicious circle created by manipulators
We still try to believe that horrors from the past won’t come back. That we have at least reached a pick of civilisation with respectful values that ensure we won’t be falling back in barbarism and violence. But in truth, as long as humanity won’t understand the cause of the problem, we are collectivily doomed
when one is eaten away by the ego
We all have an ego. That’s part of the challenge of being human. But when we grow up, we are supposed to learn that the world doesn’t evolve around us. Ouch. And we keep our ego on a tight leash. A good portion of humankind, negative people, doesn’t learn that. And their ego is growing
the ego makes you dumb
The ego, this inner voice that I would locate in the reptilian brain, makes you stupid. Of course! It is this primitive force invented by Lady Nature to have us survive in an hostile background. Be it with dinosaurs or psychopathic billionaires. And it is used by Sir Obscure to attract us in the shadows.
the manipulation of apparences
Psychopaths are particularily adept at building their image.
the manipulation of political correctness
There are, on this good ol’ Earth, two types of people: the good guys and the bad guys. The border is as simple as it is definite: the good guys are able to feel empathy and love for other people.The bad guys aren’t. And what seems to blur the line is that good people make
faith against fear
As intuition tells you that a situation is without danger, as you guess its outcome, the fear diminishes. You can connect then to the energies, the divine, everything you feel but can’t see. And find a new faith there, in yourself, in your destiny…Faith is a strong shield against fear.
how I cope with fear
Being a human is not easy. And it’s no wonder that, struggling with their own mortality, diseases, wars and climatic catastrophes, ancient Greeks believed themselves the target of capricious gods. Each and every one of them the bearer of the worst human characteristics, and all of them doing their damnedest to bother humankind.In front of
you are a phoenix
Negative people just know how to take and destroy. When we, who have a heart, we can suffer, fall down and get depressed. But we also know how to get back on our feet.Stronger than before.