
This ordeal can enable us to learn from our mistakes and build a better world. But a negative person won’t ever so it: he will never take his responsibilities. It will fall on us, then, positive people, to take care of it.

dangers of relativism

Manipulators will try to have us think that nothing is completely good or bad. That everything is in 50 shades of grey.That generosity is just well thought self-interest. That everybody does the same. So why not them?If not them, somebody else would have done it anyway. And you are no better. And remember, by the

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negatives in power

And what is true for mountaineers is true for socialites. Because if there is “only” one third of negative people in democracies (more like 50% in France), it’s a totally inverse proportion as you climb the social ladder. From a certain hight, you just can’t breathe.

my classification of negative people

And now is as good a time as ever for the usual disclaimer: I’m no psychiatrist, nor have I had any formation in psychology. Drinking too much is bad for your health. And so is war.But the science of conscience is, in comparison to humane existence, quite recent and contrasted. And is in constant evolution.So

there are no bad guys… really ?

“There are no bad guys” said the man in charge of the pedagogy in my daughter’s college, last year, to all the kids in front of him “there are only good guys sometimes behaving badly.” And my thirteen years old daughter who was part of the assistance and whom I chose to raise as far

the forest is burning

Greta Thunberg spoke to the UN last year and – my god ! -, did I find her compelling. Something she said especially caught my attention : « If you really understood the situation and still kept on failing to act, then you would be evil. And that I refuse to believe. ». Because at that precise moment,

I write for empaths

I write for you, if you are a good person. I write for you because my personal experience has enabled me to know how to recognize negative people and my formation in Reiki had me understand there are much more of them than I thought. Surely more of them than you imagine. I write for